101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (2024)

101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (1)

Searching for funny Chihuahua memes?

You’re in luck:

This is the ultimateChihuahua Meme Collection.

So take a drink and let’s dive right in…

101 Chihuahua memes (try not to laugh)

My favorites are: #3, #50 (this one is hilarious), and #60.

Have a favorite Chihuahua meme?

Let me know by sharing this article on your social media. Don’t forget to mention the meme’s number!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (2)

Let’s see of they have 101 Dalmations on Netflix


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (3)

Tell me that I’m a-DOG-able


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (4)

Chihuahuas are like french fries…
… You can’t just take ‘one’ of them!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (5)

There is no bad dogs

Note:This doesn’t mean you’re a bad owner. But you could always strive to be a better one.🙂


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (6)

Now in cinemas!
“Best movie ever” – NewYorkDogs


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (7)

Hey you…
I know the ball is just behind your back!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (8)

I don’t always bark at nothing…
Just kidding, I do!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (9)

Sometimes you just need a…
Beach day!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (10)

… Time for my beauty sleep!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (11)

Oh c’mon…
One more bedtime story… please???


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (12)

Let the belly scratch begin!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (13)

Breaking news:
I’m bored!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (14)

It’s my brother from another mother!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (15)

Did someone order chi?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (16)

I want more cookies….
That’s why I’m trying to climb the corporate ladder


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (17)

Seek the differences:


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (18)

I don’t want to be your cupcake!
I want to eat it!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (19)

Mommy, look at how cute I am…
Now, can I have a cookie?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (20)

There is a monster under the bed…
A cute one that is!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (21)

Say what?
I’m a-DOG-ted?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (22)

I thought you said extra fries!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (23)

I’m not sure…
… about these eye brows!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (24)

It’s called fashion…
Ever heard of it?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (25)

My favorite color is…


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (26)

I can’t find a good place to take a sh*t!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (27)

They said that I’m their delicate flower…
… I took it to heart!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (28)

What I dig too much?
Don’t be re-DIG-ulous!

Reading tip:Why Do Chihuahuas Dig?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (29)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (30)

Is always a little awkward


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (31)

All food has to go to the lab for testing


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (32)

Just wanted to eat…
But you lit my food on fire


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (33)

Did someone say cheese?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (34)

Why do we have to wait 7 years until next Christmas?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (35)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (36)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (37)

Get me out of here!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (38)

When someone
Plays with your hair


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (39)

You must be the HAND-y man


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (40)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (41)

She stole my hat…


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (42)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (43)

Hugh Grant tried to seduce me…
I rejected him!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (44)

I believe I can fly…
I believe I can touch that fly…


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (45)

I’m serious…
My brother told me I can have his cookie!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (46)

I hate it when my mom does this to me…


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (47)

Just wanted to say…


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (48)

I sat and everything!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (49)

If you don’t like dogs…


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (50)

Every step you take
Every meal you make
… I’ll be watching you


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (51)

This is wrong…
I’m actually 7 years old!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (52)

I’m so excited…
And I just can’t hide it!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (53)

I’m not small…
… You’re just a giant, dummy!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (54)

Is there an intruder at the door…
… Or did I just fart myself awake?


This funny Chihuahua meme has 2 parts. So make sure you check Chihuahua meme #55 right after this one.

101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (55)

I swear…
… It was the cat!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (56)

When the cat gets in trouble for something you did!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (57)

Woman, stop with the kisses already


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (58)

I’ll find you… and I’ll lick YOU!

Reading tip:Why Do Chihuahuas Lick So Much? 19 Surprising Reasons


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (59)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (60)

I’m a lion… ROAR!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (61)

I did the math…
We can’t afford the cat!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (62)

Why would you…
… say that???


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (63)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (64)

Don’t worry…
I’ll chew on your money so you have more


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (65)

Don’t think about it Mr Husky
If you can come one step closer I’ll bark until your ears break


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (66)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (67)

When I woke up this morning…
My ball was gone! Why?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (68)

Doctor, I have neck problems…
… I have to look up all the time!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (69)

I have no idea what I’m doing!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (70)

No more bacon?
What have you done?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (71)

I told you…
… 3 walks a day keeps the pee away!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (72)

They said pink is for girls
Luckily my pilow is grey!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (73)

I’m going to piss all over his piss…
That will show him!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (74)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (75)

I have surprise for you…
… It starts with P and ends with OO!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (76)

I am totally…
… pooping on the carpet tonight!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (77)

I hate POTTY training!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (78)

The pumkins grow bigger every year!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (79)

It’s raining cats and dogs


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (80)

Where is…
… My rubber ducky?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (81)

According to science
Petting me makes YOU happier!

Interesting fact:This is 100% true. According toresearch, petting your Chihuahua makes you happier. For more information,check out this article.


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (82)

Tacos? Nachos?
Si, Señorita!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (83)

I’m sexy and I know it!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (84)

I used to have a six pack
Now we’re a ten pack


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (85)

I’m going to kill you…
…. with sloberry kisses!

Reading tip:Do Chihuahuas Like Kisses? 9 Ways To Tell If They Like It


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (86)

The call me White
Snow White


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (87)

I’m sorry…
… For molesting your shoe


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (88)

Are you sure…
… The spider is gone now?


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (89)

When you’re swimming
And something touches your foot

Reading tip: Can Chihuahuas swim?


While most people know this already, some don’t. That’s why I would like to give a little bit more context for this Chihuahua Meme.

In the past,Taco Bellused Chihuahuas in their commercials as you can see in the video below:

That being said, here is another cute Chihuahua meme:

101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (90)

Taco Bell rejected me… AGAIN!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (91)

Have you seen my friend?
We’re planning to drink tequila!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (92)

Why aren’t we moving?
The light’s grey!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (93)

If you knew about the things I do when you’re not here… muhahaha!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (94)

They see me rollin’
They hatin’


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (95)

I think comparing men to dogs…
Is unfair to dogs!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (96)

When you smell bacon
But they tell you it’s vegan


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (97)



101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (98)

This is nothing…
… You should see the other dog


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (99)

You smell dirty…


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (100)

When mom says…
‘You’re a good boy!’


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (101)

… time!


101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (102)

All I want for Christmas…
… is more bacon!

About DogsAndClogs.com

Hi there, it’sPetyahere.

I’m the brain behind this website.

On this site I share simple tips for a better life with your dog. And… cute memes… of course (I mean, who doesn’t like Chihuahua memes, right?).

I would love to know which memes you like the most.

I’m serious. Comment below and let me know which Chihuahua memes you like!

Related posts:

  1. 101 Fun Chihuahua Facts That You Need To Know (#6 = Weird)
  2. 29 Fun Apple Head Chihuahua Facts (+Pictures And Tips)
101 Funny Chihuahua Memes: I Challenge You Not To Laugh (2024)


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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

Birthday: 1999-07-30

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Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.